Official Website for Madison County, Iowa
Contact Info
Madison County Courthouse
PO Box 152
112 North John
Wayne Drive
Winterset, IA 50273
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday
Leslie Beck
Part Time 2nd Deputy
Elections Deputy
Lance Coulter
Auditor Clerk
Part-Time Temporary Auditor Assistant
About the County Auditor
The office of the County Auditor was created in 1870 as part of a revamping of county government. The duties of the office covered areas that had previously been given to the County Judge in 1851, in the first Code of Iowa, and then to the Clerk
of Court in 1861, with the formation of the Board of Supervisors.
The State Legislature added the duties of Commissioner of Elections in the early 1970s. The County Auditor is an elected position, with a term of four years.
The County Auditor is ex-officio clerk of the Board of Supervisors,
and the following are some of the duties:
Custodian of buildings subject to Board of Supervisors
Computes tax levies, figures taxes and prepares tax books for Treasurer
Keeps journal of the Board of Supervisors proceedings
Compiles and computes agricultural land credits, homestead credits, military exemptions and apportions on tax lists
Issues warrants for claims, files and records claims allowed by Supervisors
Files plats, profiles, custodian of voting machines
Clerk of official canvass of elections, receives and records elections returns and certifies same to Secretary of State
Keeps tax account and cash account with County Treasurer showing all receipts and expenditures
Keeps and records reports of county officers, township clerks and trustees
Custodian of official bonds of all officers, except the Auditor, Board of Supervisors and Magistrates
Assesses property omitted by Assessor and the County Board of Review
Prepares and publishes financial report at end of each year
Issues cigarette, beer and liquor licenses to dealers outside cities
The Madison County Auditor’s Office is a passport acceptance agent for the US Department of State Federal Passport Agency.
The friendly and knowledgeable staff at the Auditor's office can assist U.S. citizens, who meet the passport application requirements, with obtaining a U.S. Passport Book or Passport Card.
Items needed to apply for a Passport Book or Passport Card:
Passport application - print legibly in black ink. DO NOT sign until the application is presented to the accepting agent.
Two identical passport photos – available at the Madison County Auditor’s office.
A certified copy of your birth certificate and/or previous passport.
The birth certificate must be issued from the state or the county, NOT the hospital.
Driver’s license or other government issued photo ID.
Two checks for each application. Money orders are acceptable. We do not accept debit or credit cards.
Each person applying for a passport must present themselves to the acceptance agent, including children.
Parental consent is needed for minor children:
If applicant is 16 or 17:
Applicant must appear in person, sign application and show driver’s license.
Parental consent is required by at least one parent appearing in person with their driver’s license.
If applicant is UNDER 16:
Applicant must appear in person.
Parental consent is required by BOTH parents appearing in person with their driver’s license.
Ask for details if one of the parents is unable to appear in person.
Passport Applications are accepted by appointment only in the Madison County Auditor’s Office. Please call 515-462-3914 to schedule an appointment.
For more information call the Auditor's Office at (515) 462-3914.
Madison County Township Financial Statements can be viewed in the Auditor's
Office during regular business hours.
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